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3 min read

What is the Cryptopedia? #

The Cryptopedia is where you can find information about all the topics discussed in the courses offered by SoftVenix Academy(SA). You can find a corresponding guide to each of the videos uploaded to the website. 

At SA we want to share our knowledge about the cryptocurrency and blockchain worlds with you and without making it difficult for you to find the topics you are searching for. In the Cryptopedia, you will get all the information you need to know about virtual currencies, the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) market, how crypto-related platforms work, how to trade digital assets and many other topics. 

Who Creates Content at SoftVenix Academy? #

Michael is the main content creator at SA. He will guide you through most of the topics in our courses/ website. In some cases, other leading cryptocurrency experts will guide you through some of the topics. At SA, we have a team that works hard in order to share the most accurate and valuable topics regarding the world of virtual currencies, with complete and curated information. The SA team uploads the videos, updates the Cryptopedia and shares the latest trends and topics in the cryptocurrency industry. 

How to Complement these Guides? #

You can complement the guides you find on the Cryptopedia with videos that have been shared by Michael in our courses or across our other social media platforms. All the information that you find is exclusively delivered to you as a member of our community, and we are sure you are going to find it very useful. 

We always encourage our students to do their own due diligence. Receiving content is the first step, but the learning process does not end as soon as the lesson finishes. You should go and develop analytical tools that would help you understand how the crypto market works, how blockchain networks behave and what you can expect from platforms offering services in the crypto space. 

Warning and Disclaimer #

All the information provided by Softvenix Academy and its writers and video producers should not be considered as investment, financial or legal advice. We are not financial, investment or legal advisors. All the content shared is for educational purposes only. 

Never invest more than what you are able to lose and always ask information to your personal financial advisor. Cryptocurrencies are volatile assets and it is not possible to understand whether the price is going to be moving with 100% accuracy. Additionally, having a diversified portfolio can help you reduce your risk and remain profitable, even when profits are never guaranteed. 

Finally, there are several cryptocurrency scams out there. Be aware of them. Never give money to someone that is promising you to turn it into millions or give you double for free. This simply does not exist. Crypto platforms are also prone to hacking and failure, thus, be sure your funds will only be under your control if you hold your private keys. 

Always remember: not your keys, not your crypto

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